health benefits of kale - cavolo nero
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Kale is truly a nutrition powerhouse and has a variety of health benefits.

Packed with powerful antioxidants and cancer-fighting compounds, its anti-inflammatory leaves are a great staple in any green juice.

Its nutrient-dense profile is nothing short of healing and offers so many wonderful benefits. If you want to learn more about why kale is so amazing, then read on.

This article outlines the main nutritional values and how you can use them in your meals.

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  • Kale is a cruciferous Vegetable

The word Cruciferous refers to vegetables that are part of the cabbage family. The word was derived from the Latin Cruciferae which means ‘cross bearing1’ across the four petals.

  • It is a dark leafy green

Dark green vegetables contain Phytonutrients, known for helping lower inflammation and also cancer-fighting compounds2.

  • Kale is often used to replace Lettuce

This is a leafy cabbage, unlike Lettuce which is a plant leaf.

  • It is not a Herb

But can be used as a herb leaf replacement because of its texture and volume.

  • And it is one of the most nutritious Greens

Greens are known to be low in calories.

Does it have the same health benefits as Spinach?

Yes, it is dark and leafy in color and shape but even richer in nutrients and minerals.

Both contain vitamins C and K and have anti-inflammation and cancer-fighting properties.

However, Kale contains double the amount of Vitamin C than Spinach.

Kale is also lower in a plant compound called Oxalate (Oxalic acid) that can inhibit the absorption of minerals and nutrients3.

What does it taste like?

Kale is a bitter vegetable, so it has that flavor when unseasoned.

It is also known to have a peppery taste.

Adding flavor to Kale

  • You can season with Sea or Rock Salt
  • Use spices like Cumin when lightly sautéing
  • Add extra greens by tossing in fresh chopped herbs
  • You can add sharp, nutty flavor with fresh shavings of Parmesan or Nutritional Yeast flakes

Is Kale versatile?

You can use it as a salad base, a smoothie ingredient, or a replacement for another Green in a cooked vegetarian meal.

If you dislike eating raw Kale, cook it by applying enough heat so that it wilts. Take care not to overcook it.

Kale Organic Superfood Powder

This versatile ground kale powder is non-GMO and organic. It’s also Halal and Kosher. Loaded with powerful nutritional constituents as discussed in this blog post, I always add this to smoothies or juices as a superfood!

Can I use it like lettuce?

You have to soften the Kale leaves before adding them to a recipe.

How to massage Kale

  1. Rinse your Kale under the tap and make sure that all the dirt rinses off thoroughly.
  2. Sprinkle rock salt and squeeze lemon juice all over.
  3. Using both hands, massage the Kale gently for 5 minutes until all the leaves are moist and softened.
  4. Now the Kale can be added to any recipe now as it is soft and adequately seasoned.

How to use the health benefits of Kale in recipes

You can use massaged Kale in a variety of meals from liquid to cooked dishes.

Get all the nutritional benefits from eating vegetables uncooked but bear in mind that sometimes they need to be heated or broken down (massaging) slightly to aid the digestive process.

Kale is the perfect base for green smoothies – this is a great swap when you’re craving a cold beverage.

Roasted Kale chips are a great healthy snack – this is another great craving swap

  • It is a versatile base in all hot or cold salads
  • Steamed Kale leaves are a healthier, less greasy alternative

What healing health benefits does it have ?

It contains minerals vital for bone health
  • These are Copper, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, and Potassium.
  • Calcium is a mineral vital for bone strength4 and can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
    It is a great plant-based alternative to dairy sources of calcium.
  • Both Calcium and Phosphorus are essential for healthy bone formation13.
Kale is high in Vitamin C
  • This nutrient is a powerful antioxidant that protects against the effects of free radical damage. Getting all this from only a cup makes Kale worth adding to your meals.
  • It also facilitates the production of collagen in the body, L-Carnitine, and some neurotransmitters14.
  • Water-soluble Vitamin C helps absorb minerals such as Iron which is beneficial if you are anemic or have an iron deficiency.
  • Kale also boosts immunity by helping the process of wound (tissue) healing.
Kale Juicer

Cold-press juicing is much better for extracting the most vitamins and minerals than the centrifugal version. So, its worth the investment. Great for both vegetables and fruit, this is one machine that’ll up-level your nutrition game.

It contains Vitamin K
  • This fat-soluble vitamin activates proteins that play a significant role in blood clotting and heart and bone health7.
  • Vitamin K1 is a plant-sourced form of dietary Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin K2 comes from some animals and fermented foods14.
Kale is a source of dietary fiber
  • Fiber aids in weight loss and lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • In the lower intestine, there is Fiber left undigested. These are fermented by enzymes of the microbiota (microbiome). This process produces short-chain fatty acids that can play a role in the possible prevention of certain cancers and bowel disorders15.
It is rich in Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus
  • Calcium is crucial for bone health and plays a vital role in muscular contraction8.
  • Magnesium is essential for cardiovascular health9.
  • Phosphorus helps to stabilize the pH in blood and regulate the functioning of nerves and muscles10.

Can it cause an allergic reaction?

  • Eating raw Kale can harm the Thyroid gland as it contains a compound called Goitrogen. This compound can interfere with normal thyroid function (5).
  • A moderate amount of raw and cooked Kale is safe to consume to reap the benefit of the health benefits of its vitamins and minerals.
  • The compounds in Vitamin K also aid with blood clotting. If you are on anticoagulant medication, consult your physician to check what a safe amount would be for daily consumption11.

Summary of the health benefits of Kale

It’s not only versatile, but the health benefits of Kale make it a highly nutritious vegetable to incorporate into your diet or eating plan.

There are many ways to cook with it and season it to suit any taste palate.

It works well as a base as it adds lots of texture and can be used to add bulk to a dish.

In terms of nutrition, you can see that it is a powerhouse of antioxidants and cancer-fighting compounds.

It is an anti-inflammatory because it contains Vitamin E, an antioxidant that has appeared to reduce inflammation12.

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If you liked this article, then you’ll love this blog post for a healthy Kale Pesto sauce recipe.

Is there a Kale recipe you would love to see? Feel free to leave a note in the comments section.


8 Pinnock, Dale. Calcium, Pg 232, The Nutrition Bible. London: Quadrille, 2020. Print.
9  Pinnock, Dale. Magnesium, Pg 236, The Nutrition Bible. London: Quadrille, 2020. Print.

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